Heraldry Books

The Display of Heraldry: The Heraldic Imagination in Arts and Culture (Members)

By Robertson, Fiona and Lindfield, Peter N. (editors).

Members price £28 + postage  – £3 (UK) or £9 (Europe and Rest of the World)

This beautifully illustrated first supplementary volume of the Heraldry Society’s journal, The Coat of Arms, has its origins in the interdisciplinary conference Emblems and Enigma: the Heraldic Imagination, organized by Fiona Robertson and Peter N. Lindfield and held at the Society of Antiquaries of London on 26 April 2014. Emblems and Enigma addressed heraldry’s artistic and social manifestations in Europe from the medieval period on, analysing its role as an artistic form that speaks through continually reinvented tradition, visual and verbal allusion of identity, social and cultural membership, inclusion and differentiation, aspiration and historical irony.

A first selection of papers presented that day was published online in 2016 as Semy-de-lys: speaking of arms, 1400- 2016 (https://heraldics2014.wordpress.com/publication-semy-de-lys/). Twelve more papers from the conference, each one an expanded version of the original, make up the present volume. Listed below, they all, in different ways and across different cultures and historical periods, reflect upon heraldry as display.

• Michael Carter. Heraldry at Cistercian abbeys in northern England in the late Middle Ages: display, patronage, and devotion
• Timothy Hunter. A pair of recently discovered late medieval embroideries, the arms of Castile, and the appearance of heraldic textiles
• Tessa Murdoch. The Dacre Beasts: funerary or tournament sculpture?
• Jane Eade. Heraldry in Elizabethan and Jacobean portraiture
• Kathryn Will. Flurty dames and pendant men: heraldic literacy and early modern English satire
• Adrian Ailes. Heraldry as graphic satire in England, 1500–1800
• Shaun Evans. Gruffudd Hiraethog, heraldic display, and the ‘Five Courts’ of Mostyn: projecting status, honour and authority in sixteenth-century Wales
• Michael Snodin. Signs and signification: heraldry at Strawberry Hill
• Peter N. Lindfield. Lancashire’s armoury: Thomas Barritt, saddler-antiquary
• Fiona Robertson. Hyperobtrusive signs: heraldry in nineteenth-century British and American fiction
• Clive Cheesman. The heralds’ swastika
• Patric Dickinson. Symbolism in heraldry: mysterious or manifest?

Condition: New

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