Speakers List

Do you regularly speak on heraldic and allied subjects?

Would you like to register on our new Speakers List ‘Heraldically Speaking’?

Registration is entirely free. The idea is that once you register, your name and contact details, with a list of the talks or presentations you are willing to deliver, will be available on our website for all to see. People or Parties interested in booking you will contact you direct; all we ask is that you let us know if you have been booked and where, when and to whom you will be speaking.

We know that many Members do undertake to speak to other heraldry societies and bodies such as family history societies, W.I., Rotary or U3A. They may lecture in person or by online channels such as Zoom or Teams. We are also interested in registrations from those who are not at present Members.

We are interested in seeing where the heraldry message is being broadcast, by what means and to whom. Heraldry is all around us and ways in which our subject is being promoted is key to the Society continuing to flourish.

If you have any queries please contact librarian@theheraldrysociety.com
